10/03/2022The Magic Mushroom Presents: ZZ Top
Twee uur ZZ Top en voorgroepen, naar aanleiding van het overlijden (in 2021) van bassist Dusty Hill.
Two hours of ZZ Tops and earlier bands, in remembrance of the death (in 2021) of bass player Dusty Hill.
01 ZZ...
10/03/2022De Muziekdoos: playlist en podcast 10.03.2022
Ladies Day
The Rainbow Chorus – The March of the Women
John Lennon, The Plastic Ono Band, Elephant's Memory and The Invisible Strings – Woman Is the...
10/03/2022Playlist 'Moiré' 10/03/2022
Queen Of The Meadows: Honey
Pedro The Lion: First drum set
Wolfgang Pérez: Times at ease
Elena Setièn: Water
Elena Setièn: I dwell in possibility
Ela Orleans: Light at dawn
Kathryn Williams: Cuckoo