
13/02/2025The Magic Mushroom Presents: Gouden Doden deel 6
De gesneuvelden van midden september tot half november 2024.
The fallen from mid-September to mid-November 2024.
01 Amon Düül II - Wie der Wind am Ende einer Straße - 5'48
02 The Purple Gang - Mr. Aldred Jones - 2'55
03 Annabouboula - Pame filaki (Let's go to jail) - 5'09
04 Zones - Deadly dolls - 2'48
05 Billy Edd Wheeler - High flying bird - 2'32
06 Longbranch Pennywhistle - Run boy, trun - 2'51
07 The Electric Flag - Fine Jung thing - 7'25
08 The Easybeats - Friday on my mind - 2'44
09 Kimio Mizutani - A path through haze - 5'57
10 Johnny Neel & The Shades Of Soul - Talking about people - 2'22
11 Groep 1850 - Mother >No-head - 3'27
12 Whirlywirld - Big gun action - 5'30
13 Iron Maiden - Prowler - 3'55
14 It's A Beautiful Day - Time is - 9'39
15 The Grateful Dead - St. Stephen - 4'27
16 Quincy Jones - Soul bossa nova - 2'48
17 Sharda Sinha - Nihuri bahare anganava - 4'50
18 Larry Coryell - Call to the higher consciousness (exc) - 18'25
19 Granny's Intentions - Maybe - 3'06
20 The Kinks - Where have all the good times gone - 2'53
-Donderdag 20/2/2025: Gouden Doden deel 7