
03/12/2024Horny Hour (Ernst H. Störzhendr)
- Porta Ermetica : La Porta Ermetica (Si Sedes Non Is)
- VII : Akoustik Timbre Frequency (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo)
- V.V.V. : Trepaneringsritualen (Kainskult)
- Obscure Lore(Version 2.3) : Firnwald (Obscure Lore)
- Odhinn's Wrath : Vortex (As Gods Fall)
- Reykjavik : Liebknecht (Fabrikat)
- Radiotherapy I : Orphx (Radiotherapy)
- I am the Wind : Hawklords (We are the World)
- Shahar : GhOsTT (MCCCVII)
- Wogen ; Blackolor (Weltenbrand)
- Is Guave a Donut? : Renaldo & the Loaf (Songs for Swinging Larvae)
- Mare : J.G. Thirlwell & Simon Steensland (Oscillospira)
- Graveyard Theme : Victoria Spivey (Minnie the Moocher @ the Morgue)
- Feline Triumph : Traumasutra (Lost in Catland - A Cat Compendium)
- A Serpent Cuts the Skin of the Black Earth : Alone in the Hollow Garden (Void Transmissions MMXXIV)
- Man of Double Deed : Widow's Weeds (Revenant)
- Oh Krampus : Flesh Eating Foundation (Santa is an Anagram of Satan)
- I Helvetet 2 : Nordvargr (Helvete)
- Munduruku : Flint Glass & Ah Cama-Sotz (Wakan Tanka)
-Sector_L6 (3) : Palazzo's Monstrosity Coil (Dark Sector Scanner)
- Transgression - Visions Mix : Vortex (As Gods Fall)
- 8 : Nerthus (Tsath (InterimXI))