04/06/2024Horny Hour (Ernst H.Störzhendr)
- Minidrone : Station Zero/Room of Wires (M.A.D. II)
- Nature is Barren : Firnwald (Obscure Lore)
- EL : IDFT + INRGD (M.A.D.)
- Oh Dear : Daevid Allen (Weird Bisquit Teatime)
- The Light at the Summit(ft. Sonja Peuhkurinen) : Ówt Kri (the Mountian)
- Zombie Rock (Driller Killer) : Andrew Lilles (the Maleficient Monster & Other Macabre Stories)
- the Sea Priestess : Coil (Astral Disaster)
- MK ULTRA : Skull Drum vs. Captain Ergot (Wolfpack 23)
- Fiebertransport : Marita Schreck (Anti Sound)
- Black Sabbath : Coph Nia (Qliphothic Phantsmagonia)
- Falcon Guided Way : Firnwald (Obscure Lore)
- Log Lady Sez : Lars Parabol (the Black Lodge music Compilation)
- Flower : Prunes (Nada)
- Disciples of Death(the Apocalyptic Mix by Deus Ex Charta) : Plaguewielder (SomSon200)
- Acheron9 : Shadow Monument (Acheron)
- Shift : Twisted Prophecy (Twisted Prophecy)
- Raven's Lament : the Haxan Cloak (the Haxan Cloak)
- Ether's Lullaby : Slow Slow Loris (M.A.D. IV)
- Expiation : Mind I Matter (La Complainte des Damne's)
- the Black Sun(Eyes of Ibad Mix by Babalith) : Druhá Smrt (SomSon200)