
02/05/2024Playlist 'Moiré' 02/05/2024
Sonic Youth: Hits of sunshine (for Allen Ginsberg)
Dylan LeBlanc: Coyote
Allah-Las: The stuff
David Nance & Mowed Sound: Cut it off
Rosali: On tonight
Rosali: Slow pain
The Feelies: All tomorrow’s parties
Elephant Stone: Going underground
Elephant Stone: bae
The Clientele: Fables of the silverlink
Meatbodies: ICNNVR2
Meatbodies: Psychic garden
The Church: Song from the machine age
Hot Garbage: Erase my mind
Hot Garbage: Sarabandit
Grigio Scarlatto: Nodo
Terraplana: memórias
Jane Weaver: Univers
Jane Weaver: Love in constant spectacle
Robin Kester: Goodnight Argus
Donna Blue: Mains de l’amour