05/10/2021Horny Hour (Ernst H.Störzhendr)
- the Diamond Mine : Monster Magnet (A Better Dystopia)
- the Tick : Doug Katsaros (Sci-Fi's Greatest Hits vol4 Defenders of Justice)
- Mutation Zone : Hawkwind (the Xenon Codex)
- Feel : True Zebra (Adoremotion)
- Feeding Eerie : Andrew Liles (Karin Park) (Feeding Tube)
- A Rose Shattered : Euphemia Rise (Born a Cow)
- Static : Brainquake (Excess Denied)
- Scapegoat : G.G.F.H. (Eclipse)
- Garbageman : William Shatner
- See you up There : Farflung (So Many Minds, So Little Time)
- Rhino Cratic Oaths : Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band (the Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse)
- Ich Bin Nicht Da : Column One (the Audience is Sleeping)
- Ravelijn : Milder
- Hell of a Moment : Apparaat (Apparaat)
- Exodus : the Pandemonium Bureau (Magus)
- Unda Da Sea : Position Normal (Stop Your Nonsense)
- Earthen Key : Barron Brady (We Bring you a King with a Head of Gold)
- Folklore : Misantronics (Elsewhere)
- River Man : Nick Drake (Five Leaves Left)
- Dogma : KMFDM (Xtort)
- Aria : Froe Char (Panoplies)
- Dying Inside : Renaldo & the Loaf (Play Struve and Sneff)
- 11 Mustachioed Daughters : Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band (the Doughnut in Granny's Greenhouse)
- Time's Up : Heavy Vegetables (Eyesore : A Stab at the Residents)
- Mother and Child : Timo Carlier