17/06/2021Playlist 'Moiré' 17/06/2021
Major Murphy: Unfazed
Damien Jurado: Johnny Caravella
Waxahatchee: War
S.G. Goodman: Old time feeling
Iron And Wine: Why hate winter
The Antlers: Green to gold
Alice Phoebe Lou: Heavy // Light as air
Alice Phoebe Lou: Dirty mouth
King Hannah: Crème brûlée
Evans McRae: Careful
Evans McRae: Sleep with one eye open
L.A. Witch: Gen-Z
Special Friend: Ennemi commun
Special Friend: Pastel
Mint Julep: In the ocean
Vivii: Summer of 99
Vivii; Rendezvous
Rome: Feral agents
Current Joys: Shivers
Current Joys: Breaking the waves
Current Joys: Money making machine
Spinning Coin: Get high
Smokescreens: I want to know
Mt. Mountain: Peregrination