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18/10/2020Walhalla brengt: 'Eighth Tower Records.'

Een duister programma: Witchcraft and Black Magic in the United Kingdom, Demonology in Dante's Inferno en Moloch Conspiracy: Incantatios From Ugarit.

Playlist van 'Eighth Tower Records' op 18/10/2020.

01 Walhalla Intro - Theme from 'Coppers' - Brian Keane / 'Opa-Loka' - Hawkwind

02 Witchcraft And Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Daniel Williams - Do You Believe In Witches

03 Witchcraft & Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Grey Frequency Elegy For Vinegar Tom

04 Witchcraft And Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Rapoon - The Village

05 Witchcraft And Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Howlround - Crypt Of Saint John

06 Witchcraft And Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Michael Bonaventure – Coronach 

07 Witchcraft And Black Magic In The United Kingdom – Sky High Diamonds - The Discoverer

08 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno – Sonologyst, Rapoon - Pape Satàn, pape Satàn aleppe 

09 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno – Dead Space Chamber Music - Lo ’mperador del doloroso regno

10 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno – Mario Lino Stancati - Vidi spenta ogni veduta

11 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno – Daniel Barbiero, Cristiano Bocci – Malebranche

12 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno – Gianluca Becuzzi - Stavvi Minòs orribilmente 

13 Demonology In Dante’s Inferno - Samuel Goff - Medusa ’l Gorgón 

14 Moloch Conspiracy – Incantatios From Ugarit - Daughter of Anu

15 Moloch Conspiracy – Incantatios From Ugarit - She Clambers Over 

16 Moloch Conspiracy – Incantatios From Ugarit - The Familiar Weapons

17 Moloch Conspiracy – Incantatios From Ugarit - Visions of Namtar

18 Walhalla Outro - Wir wissen von der Not - Popol Vuh 

Laatst bijgewerkt door Gewijde op 20/10/2020.

