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09/02/2020Walhalla presenteert: 'Arachnidiscs Recordings'!

 Een kijkje in het oeuvre van het in 2019 ter ziele gegane Arachnidiscs label uit Toronto, Canada. Muziek van Moonwood, Babel, Heavy Moon, Moth Bucket, Muted Rainbow, Lusco E Fusco en RAIC.


 Playlist van 'Arachnidiscs' op 09/02/2020.

Walhalla Intro - Theme from 'Coppers' - Brian Keane

01. Moonwood – Desert Ghosts – The Girl Who Waited
02. Babel - Thirteen Exquisite Corpses – Release Of The Spirit I
03. Heavy Moon - Heavy Moon 13 – Seven O'clock - Spice Ghouls
04. Muted Rainbow – Intuitions - Ave Maria
05. Muted Rainbow – Intuitions - U.F.O.F.U.
06. Richmond Avant Improv Collective - Lamentations - Early Music – Lamentations
07. Lusco E Fusco 13 - Harsh Treatment + 4 Dead Tracks - Destruction Or Irretrievable Loss
08. Moth Bucket - Music For Homemade Instruments - Music For Homemade Instruments - part 2
09. Babel - Thirteen Exquisite Corpses – Release of the Flesh VI
10. Moonwood – Desert Ghosts – On The Funeral Plain
11. Heavy Moon - Heavy Moon 14 - Atom Bomb Mother
12. Moonwood – River Ghosts – Derailed Himalayan Railway Sobriety
13. Babel – Glockengeister - Glockengeister 6.1
14. Babel – Alphabeta - BABBAGE DECADE
15. Babel - Limbus - Limbus.09
16. Lusco E Fusco 13 - Harsh Treatment + 4 Dead Tracks - Heart Assemblage

Walhalla Outro - Wir wissen von der Not - Popol Vuh

Laatst bijgewerkt door Gewijde op 10/02/2020.

