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zondag 9 februari





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26/09/2019The Magic Mushroom Presents: The Nostalgia Factory part 7: In Memoriam Walter Geertsen

 Alweer droevig nieuws in The Magic Mushroom. Naar aanleiding van het overlijden van platenverzamelaar, platendealer en all-round rock'n'roll animal Walter Geertsen ga ik u vandaag een aantal platen laten horen, die ik dank zij hem heb leren kennen.

 Sad news in The Magic Mushroom. In memory of record collector, record dealer and all-round rock'n'roll animal Walter Geertsen, who passed away recently, I shall be playing a number of records that I probably wouldn't have known if it weren't for his input. 


01 Biglietto Per L'Inferno - Confessione - 3'31

02 Cosmos Factory - Blackhole - 8'43

03  Geinoh Yamashirogumi - Kaneda - 3'11

04 Yonin-Bayashi - Sora tu kumo - 5'23

05 Ladies WC - Looking for a meeting place/Put that in your pipe and smoke it - 5'46

06 Kalacakra - Nearby Shiras - 9'20

07 The Shiver - Hey mr. holy man - 3'15

08 Formula 3 - Dies irae - 7'35

09 Phoenix - Invocacie - 10'52

10 Sfinx - Kogaion - 5'23

11 P.L.J. Band - Armagedon II - 7'00

12. Τα 4 Επίπεδα Της Ύπαρξης - Μεταμορφή - 3'26

13 Zingale - Carnival - 5'58 

14 Eduardo Bort - Yann / En las riveras de Yann - 12'21

15 Bevis Frond - Confusion days - 6'36

16 Mick Wills - She looked down - 9'42

17 Vagtazo Halottkémek - Get it out, for god's sake - 4'09 

18 Aching Void - Swirling colours - 3'17

19 Sacred Miracle Cave - Liquid in me - 4'41

20 Frantic - baby - 3'10

21 S.T. Mikael - Bom bom mahadev - 4'10

22 Museo Rosembach - Zarathustra - 20'48

23 Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Introduzione - 15'18


-Donderdag 3/10/2019: De Wereld Rond 48: Zweden part 32



Laatst bijgewerkt door Louis op 22/09/2019.

